One of the most difficult mattress related issues that can cause sleep problems is related to bed bugs. These little insects can travel great distances attached to luggage or clothing and can make your mattress their home. If they do so then you are looking at great expenses to deal with the problem. You would need to get a professional bed bug exterminator to get the work done.
To avoid such hassles in the event that you do get bed bugs at your home, you should consider investing in a protective mattress cover.
Bed bug proof mattress covers are designed in such a way that they don’t offer hiding places to these pests. There is nowhere for the bugs to hide and nowhere for their eggs to hatch. Bed pads come in both disposable and washable varieties. Disposable varieties are simply disposed of when they become soiled and may be ideal for traveling; washable mattress covers can be washed over and over, providing good value for your money. Bed bugs are so difficult to get rid of that most of the home remedies will NOT be sufficient.
Bed bug resistant mattress covers are made from material impermeable to bed bugs, such as vinyl, polyurethane, or PVC, encased by a layer of soft fabric, such as cotton, enclosed with a zipper or velcro. The idea is that you put the cover on your mattress, trapping the bed bugs inside, where they have nothing to feed on. Bed bugs can live without another meal for up to eighteen months under ideal conditions. Newly hatched bed bugs can live for several months without ever having a meal.
Bed bugs are a sort of nesting parasites which feed on the blood of their hosts. These are very cunning organisms-they, after feeding for about ten minutes, go back into hiding, making it difficult for you to find them. Bed bugs can get in the luggage while at the hotel or even in the luggage compartment on planes. The other place we have seen a problem is with imported upholstered furniture. Bed bugs have been a common problem for humans for as long as humans have been in existence. In fact, it is suspected that this may be the reason why it was common to have a constantly boiling vat of water in the home .
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